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Personalized nutrition can reverse IBS, reduce flatulence,reduce diabetes, cholesterol & thyroid


Name: Disha

Age: 43 years

Location:Calcutta , India

Case History:

Disha has been on various medications for the past 20 years because of multiple illnesses. She had IBS with severe flatulence, bloating, hyperacidity, constipation and irregular bowel movements. These conditions, made her washroom cycles very unpredictable and the excessive flatulence resulted in limited movements outside of the home. Over a period of time, she was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and schizophrenia. Her HbA1c level was 6% with medications. Her blood reports showed a high TG level of 166mg/dl.

Approach by the best dietitian, Hyderabad, Telangana, India:

At first, Deepika and other senior nutritionist worked first by putting her on TRE to rejuvenate her gut health. TRE as a method of consumption of a complete meal at once and thereafter giving the body rest for 3 to 4.5 hours depending on body type and caloric consumption. As she used to be fatigued, through the day, she would resort to small meals as she believed it would give her energy. A complete well balanced meals ensured satiety after the meal and as the body was on fat burning mode, she would feel energetic as well. As a part of the balanced meal, we eliminated all potential food that could possibly trigger flatulence and bloating such as gluten, legumes etc. Simple carbohydrates like roti, bread, dhals which were triggering food wasreplaced by light, watery, easy todigest vegetables like gourds, carrots, beans, etc. along with light andcomplete proteins like tofu and probiotic protein like hung curd. All the foods were included in her meal plan according to IBS FODMAP. Adequate micronutrient, fiber rich foods and supplements were given which, helped her resolve her nutritional deficiencies and gut health. As her metabolism and digestion process was slow, lean vegan protein and other foodswere included gradually and mindfully in her diet in order to improve her gut health.She gradually incorporated foods from red list of FODMAP in small quantities, one at a time to check her tolerance levels. Supplements like vit b 12, vit d, were included as she was found deficient in them. Spirulina and aloe juice were incorporated to strengthen her gut health. Slowly and steadily she was able to incorporate brisk walking and increase her steps to 9000 a day which, was earlier a couple of thousand steps as she used to feel weak and tires.She was able to get back to meditation and yogain her lifestyle to support her mental health as she became less edgy with consistent energy through the day. Constant support, guidance and counseling was provided. We were constantly in touch with her to give her motivation and to make modification according to her needs and body type.


Significant improvement in her gut health was seen. Flatulence was reduced by 60% in the first 3 weeks of her following the program and by end of 3 months, it has reduced by 90%. She was able to consume and digest food like dairy protein without any discomfort. She was able to enjoy her favorite meals and travel comfortably for the first time in 19 years. Her triglycerides and HbA1c levels came down to 103mg/dl and 5.6% respectively. Her washroom cycles and bowel movements improved. Her energy levels, concentration, and mental health was improved.

Deepika Chalasani is a Clinical Nutritionist, Mind and Body Transformation Coach and co-founder of Fit4Life India, an integrated nutrition and wellness organization for Indians that provides complete solutions, addressing health and wellness challenges of individuals by working on their overall well-being. Deepika, best nutritionist in Hyderabad for weight loss and online dietician can be contacted via email or Mobile +91 9491011202

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