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You can achieve sustainable weight loss & reverse all co-morbidities with personalized meal plans



Age- 51 years

BMI-31.6 Kg/m2

Profession- Mechanical Engineer

Location- Hyderabad

Case History- Harish is a mechanical engineer from Hyderabad who wanted to lose weight and improve his health parameters. He was obese, diabetic, and had sleep apnea. He often felt fatigued and drank a number of teas to overcome it.

Analysis by the best dietician in Telangana– By his blood reports we analyzed he had high insulin, moderate inflammation, high normal creatinine, high triglycerides, and signs of anemia that are unusual for men. His fasting sugar was 166 mg/dl, HbA1c-9.9 and he smoked regularly.

Approach by the best online dietician in Telangana, Hyderabad, India: - As per his dietary recall, he used to start his day with a grain-centric South Indian breakfast which would make him fatigued and lethargic after his meal. To reduce his sluggishness, he used to have cups of tea. We proposed a diet with a sumptuous breakfast with a low glycemic load which included fiber and antioxidant-rich green rotis, healthy fats like super seeds, and good proteins like eggs. His cravings, blood sugar levels, and energy were under control by organizing a healthy, balanced meal at the beginning of the day. He no longer depended on teas for energy when his body was automatically put in a fat-burning zone which naturally increased his energy levels. We also ensured that good fats were included in his meal which was from whole foods like nuts and seeds and the overall percentage of fats did not go above 35%. He used to suffer from constipation and therefore, soluble fibers in the form of not-so-over-cooked vegetables, whole grains, and increased water intake were suggested to regulate his bowel movements. We ensured that all the meals suited his palate and taste buds which he therefore enjoyed and was happy to follow. During this time, he also cut back on his smoking habits. When he craved cigarettes we suggested alternatives like sauff and encouraged him to stop it eventually. To support his overall health, we asked him to indulge in “out-of-comfort” zone walks for 40 minutes in the morning which helped lower his fasting sugar and triglycerides as well as tone his body. When he traveled or attended any social gatherings we taught him how to eat mindfully and was able to lose the weight he gained in a few days.

Results- Harish lost 10 kgs in 4 months, his fasting sugar dropped from 166 to 104 mg/dl, and his HbA1c to 7.4 He stopped taking most of his medications and his sleep pattern significantly improved. His energy levels also improved. He was able to travel to places that his health won't allow and to wear outfits that he previously couldn't. He was successfully able to achieve his health goals with sustainable lifestyle changes that drastically reversed his poor health.

Deepika Chalasani is a Clinical Nutritionist, Mind and Body Transformation Coach and co-founder of Fit4Life India, an integrated nutrition and wellness organization for Indians that provides complete solutions, addressing health and wellness challenges of individuals by working on their overall well-being. Deepika, best nutritionist in Hyderabad for weight loss and online dietician can be contacted via email or Mobile +91 9381525943

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